Thursday, April 26, 2007

A few more remedies to have at home

Other Important Homeopathic Remedies

Aconitum Napellus
The individual is beside herself, and frantic from the intensity of the pain. It is accompanied by intense fear. Pains are sticking, tearing, burning. Intense attacks of panic. Fears death and will often predict the time of impending death. Intense thirst during a fever.

Suffers from the effects of grief and worry. Mentally and physically exhausted by long concentrated grief. Sighing and sobbing. Can have incredible changes of mood, laughing to tears. The individual is worse with conversation and worse from consolation. May have the sensation of a lump stuck in the throat. Typically better when alone.

Left sided complaints, or things are worse on the left side, or when lying on the left side. Bright red hemorrhages. Anxious and fearful. Thirst for very cold water, ice cold. Craves ice cream. Will have ravenous hunger during a fever. Things are often worse in the morning.

An affinity for the skin where it produces heat, burning, and itching. Often has burning on the soles of the feet causing individual to kick them out of the covers at night. Slow, lazy and hungry, especially before noon. Indifference to personal appearance. Cravings for fats, beer, whisky, and sweets. Worse with bathing and becoming too hot.

*synthesized from the Concordant Materia Medica, by Frans Vermeulen

Friday, April 13, 2007

Authentic Health

Kenneth Proefrock, ND helped inspire this post during a Naturopathic philosophy talk he gave over 2 years ago at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Arizona. The topic of the talk was legitimacy vs authenticity in the healing profession. Dr. Proefrock was specifically addressing insurance coverage in regards to alternative health care. While insurance reimbursement provides an instant dose of legitimacy to a given physician's practice, at what cost is this legitimacy acquired. Dr. Proefrock asserted that often this legitimacy is derived at the expense of authenticity. Authenticity here is used to represent the intention of the physician or practice. To be authentic, the intention must be real, genuine, and veritable; while lacking a falsehood or misrepresentation. ( Dr. Proefrock considered the example of physicians misrepresenting their treatments in order to secure reimbursement for the patient. This may allow certain patients to receive treatments that would not otherwise be available; but this also creates in the case of ND's an illusion that the Naturopathic Doctor is providing services that are no different than their conventional colleagues. This is a disservice to the profession and the authenticity at the heart of Naturopathic philosophy.
I think as beings striving to attain our ultimate potential, where good health must be a vital component of the overall picture, it is crucial to evaluate the legitimacy and/or authenticity of our beliefs about our own health. Conventionally, health is believed to be obtained when the symptoms of dis-ease are under control. There is no further thought given to the vitality of the individual. If we accept this notion as indicative of health, then we need to look nowhere else than the conventional paradigm of medicine. But, if health represents more than a symptom free existence... if we strive for "a state of health (in which) the vital force reigns supreme and governs the physical body to reach the lofty goal of human existence.” Paragraph 9 The Organon of Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann. Then we must constantly evaluate the authenticity of the healing practices we embrace and the healers that walk with us on our journey.
The beauty of authentic health is that we can define it at every given moment for ourselves. What will it be for you today?

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Allergy Remedies Continued

Four more very common homeopathic allergy remedies.

Pulsatilla – Thick, profuse, yellow, bland discharges from the eyes, much better in open air. Lids will often become agglutinated. Eyes are typically itchy. Frequent sneezing with sore nostrils. Yellowish-green discharge from the nose, worse indoors and better in open air. Sinus congestion can often contribute to a frontal headache with a pale face. Nose can also be itchy. Typically thirstless with all complaints and wants to be uncovered.

Euphrasia – Profuse acrid lachrymation and bland nasal coryza. The eyes water all the time. Aversion to light. Most symptoms are worse during the night and in the morning. Symptoms are better in open air. Better with wiping the eyes.

Sabadilla – Eyelids red, burning. Lachrymation on going into open air accompanied by spasmodic sneezing and running nose. Persistent, violent sneezing and itching of the nose. Nose very dry. Nose sensitive to odors, like fresh flowers, etc.

Silicea – Painful dryness of eyes, may be worse in morning. Itching at tip of nose. Dry, hard crusts form in nose that bleed when loosened. Troublesome itching and feeling of dryness in the nose. Better from warmth.

*information synthesised from the Concordant Materia Medica, by Frans Vermeulen

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Homeopathy Awareness Week - Allergy Remedies

Here are 5 very common remedies and the allergic presentations that may indicate their use.

Natrum Muriaticum – Itchy eyes at the inner canthi, with lachrymation that is worse in the open air or wind. Thin and watery discharge from the nose, like raw egg whites. May have lots of sneezing. Loss of smell and taste. Cravings for salty foods and rich sweets. Typically worse with heat, especially of the sun.

Allium Cepia – Copious, acrid nasal discharge, irritating to the skin under the nose, and bland secretions from the eyes… Much better in open air. The nasal discharge is very profuse and watery, dripping from the tip of the nose. May have violent sneezing. Worse inside a warm room. Better with cool open air and bathing. Symptoms may have a tendency to present left sided.

Arsenicum – Burning hot lachrymation, with swelling around the eyes. Very sensitive to bright light and better with warm applications to the eyes. Nose may be stopped up or alternating with fluent coryza. The nasal discharge is thin and watery and excoriating, burning the skin below the nose. May be worse in open air and better indoors. Arsenicum characteristically has a burning sensation that is made better from warmth.

Gelsemium – Has a heavy, dull aching sensation of the entire head. Heavy eyelids, with red and watery eyes. Sneezing; thin, acrid coryza… sneezing early in the morning. Has a tendency to catch cold easily. Worse with humid weather. Better during urination.

Lycopodium - Dry, granular eyes and lids with photophobia. Inflammation of the eyes and itching in the canthi. With nasal coryza may have redness of the eyes and lachrymation. Even with the nasal discharge, there is a sensation of internal dryness. Discharge is often yellow. Better with warm drinks or foods.

* synthesised from the Concordant Materia Medica, by Frans Vermeulen